
Thursday, March 22, 2012

21 weeks

I'm going to be tired later today, but at the moment I simply can't sleep.  After an hour of doing everything but, I've thrown in the towel. 6 1/2 hours is never enough, I know that, but it's survivable.  I can see MJ on the monitor, in the early throes of waking up.  This is my last possible moment of quiet in the day.

At 21 weeks I have gained 19 pounds, a few pounds more than I should at this point.  At 21 weeks I already feel huge, though I think, objectively, I'm still in the "cute" pregnant stage,  not yet grotesque.  It is making me realize how much more comfortable I'd remain if I could gain the recommended lower bound of 25 pounds, rather than the 45+ of last pregnancy.  Are you guys tired of hearing me obsess about weight gain yet?  I thought so.  (On a side note, MJ is now awake, "reading" in bed to the light of her nightlight.  I often wonder how long she sits there happily doing this.) 

The running has pretty much ceased, largely because the weather has been so phenomenal we've been going for nice long walks.  DH and I got pedometers through a health insurance wellness program, and love them.  I feel like it keeps me much more accountable to my level of activity, and days when I'm tired and would otherwise sit on the couch, I look at the low number and know I need to get up and go for a walk. 

The big news this week, of course, was finding out the gender.  And that everything looks good at this point.  We got a clear shot of the goods, so the gender is not really in question.  I couldn't be more proud of the hubs for how much he doesn't care that it's not a boy.  I think there was a brief moment of "But I want to take my kid hunting!" followed by a realization that MJ would probably be happy to go hunting.  As for myself, I anticipate a bit more drama with two girls than there might otherwise be, but I'm hopeful that means that someday they'll be closer.  I know these are all gender biases, and the reality may be totally different.  But I told the hubs that it's his job to encourage tom boys.

Calling baby a "her" definitely helps humanize her more.  And, this being the second time, she feels like more of a real person, that will someday turn into as interesting a little person as MJ is.  It's a weird concept, and still sometimes difficult to grasp.  The movement has picked up this week, but is still more muted than last time around, and the ultrasound tech confirmed that my placenta is in front.  She said that will likely change in the next couple weeks. 

MJ is amazing with the baby, and excited.  I thought maybe she'd lose interest because it's still so far away, but her interest has only grown.  When I drop her at daycare in the morning she has to hug and kiss my belly before I can go, and she also kisses baby goodnight.  She frequently asks how baby's doing, and what she's doing.  And now that we've told her it's a girl she's told everyone at "school".  And I say school, because this last week MJ transitioned to a new room at daycare, and is now technically in "preschool".  Which is so crazy, but so, so good for her.  It's more structured and more educational, and I already see the difference.  She has "circle time" and has to sit on tape on the floor while they read a book, which she tells me all about.  And they do a lot more pretend play, so yesterday I found her "swimming" under the table with her friend when I picked her up.  She is so excited to go in the morning, and sad to go home (which makes me a little sad, but objectively happy that she likes it so much.)   On days when work sucks and I fantasize about staying home with her, I realize it's no longer even really an option, because she wouldn't be as happy. 

Part of what kept me from falling back asleep is knowing everything we need to get done.  A lot of it is more "want" than "need", such as painting the nursery furniture and planting a garden.  But I'm starting to feel my energy wane a bit, and some of the pregnancy soreness has started to set in, so I know I need to get things done.  And we continue to talk about needing a new car, because we have a 15 year old one that I expect to die on us at any time (though I've been saying that for 2 years now), and another one that I'm pretty certain is too small to fit two car seats and two adults, though I haven't tested that yet.  The debate has been whether to get a car with third row seating.  They're much more expensive, but we have family visit us SO much, probably every other month, that it seems the extra seating will be necessary often.  It's just a lot of money to think about spending.

Alright.  Kiddo is still happily reading, but I'll take this opportunity to publish and hopefully post a picture later.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


We both got our wish! Healthy baby girl. And by healthy, I mean currently measuring in the 96th percentile for size. One pound at 20w6d. But I got no scolding for weight gain, my midwife seems to think everything is going well. Yippee for all!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Ultrasound Cheer

There's no better way to prepare for the anatomy ultrasound than to read the CDC statistics on birth defects, don't you think?  Here's a few of them for you to peruse:

Are you as shocked as I am to learn that over 3% of babies in the U.S. are born with birth defects?  I wanted to think that it applied to other categories of women than me, but nope.  For under 35 singleton births it's still about 3%.  The number is also higher in white women than in black or hispanic women.

At any rate, our anatomy ultrasound is later today.  (And yes, hopefully the gender ultrasound, too.)  In addition to expecting a slight scolding at my atrocious weight gain (almost 21 weeks and 18 pounds) I dread bad news.  And nothing like the CDC to fuel that dread. 

So hi.  Just saying what's on my mind.  MJ's hoping for a sister.  I'm hoping for functional organs.  Will let you know what we find out.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

19 weeks

Due Date: 1 August.

Weight Gain:  14 lbs. 14 whopping pounds, already.  At my midwife appointment last week she was unconcerned.  So far I feel good, but I just want to do everything I can to stay that way.

Symptoms: I feel intermittent movement many times a day, but it's never intense. I seem to remember much more movement at this point with MJ.  My midwife commented that my placenta is in front and that I likely won't feel movement until later (20 to 22 weeks); perhaps this explains the lack of much movement.

Sleep:  Glorious.

I am loving: Being "cute" pregnant.  I know that in the not too distant future I will be grotesque pregnant, so it's nice to have a relatively small, non-offensive bump for the time being.  Before getting pregnant with MJ I would often admire baby bumps.  Women in ads for maternity clothing always look very cute.  When I got pregnant, I came to realize that the cute bump was early in pregnancy.  No one advertises the full term pregnant baby bump.  (I know that for some lucky souls they look cute to the end, but for the majority of us earthlings that just isn't true...)

I miss: Nothing.  Life is glorious.
I'm spazzing about:  Getting huge.  I was IN SO MUCH PAIN last time.  I don't want to repeat that.  I'm exercising.  But my appetite is ridiculous and there you go.

Milestones/Progress: Baby is a mango!  Which I'm allergic to!  My midwife appointment last week was nice, though a complete waste of time.  Sometimes I'm tempted to skip them, but just can't bring myself to.  But we did schedule the anatomy scan.  Last time I was dying to know if we were having a boy or a girl, and I felt no concern that there would be anything wrong.  This time I just know or know of too many people who've had sad news at their ultrasound.  So this time I'm nervous.  I really don't care what we're having, at all, which I didn't think was possible.  I always assumed people have a preference and don't want to share it.  I do want to know just so I can plan and decorate, but either answer is fine.  Healthy is all I'm after. 

My firstborn: Needs a haircut.  I keep telling myself that I'll take her in, but I just can't bring myself to do it.  She's worked hard on that hair.  It's pretty cute when I can put it in a pony tail.  And she was BORN with it.  I'm just not ready for that milestone... maybe our friend Nate was onto something when he cute his daughter's hair on his own so that it didn't become a big thing. 

I owe y'all a post on other stuff.  Work stuff.  That is coming, though I really have nothing big to say about it.